Friday 10 February 2012

Personal goal, outlined.

I understand this post has no relation to marketing or communications, but it is something that has been my priority for the last 2 months.

It all started 3 years ago when I first attended this college. I let myself go and was by far one of the laziest young adults you have ever met. My parents have been extremely helpful as far as finances throughout my duration of college, and in no way am I blaming them for my lack of fitness. My mother and father have always spoiled me, and allowed me anything I asked for without having to beg. When we go grocery shopping, I can fill the cart with $100 worth of junk food, and my mother would still smile and pay for it.

November came along and I finally grew some courage and stepped on the scale. I have come along way from a fit 205-pound junior hockey player, to a 6’1 278-pound third year college student.  This was the lowest point in my life, and I didn’t realize things had become that bad. If you think about it, the average man is between 12-15% body fat, where I was around 38%.

“The physically fit can enjoy their vices.”

So what is my personal goal? I would love to get to 15% body fat, and down to 210-215-pounds by March 28th, 2012 (My birthday).

So what have I done to reach this? 

I now work at Goodlife Fitness, as customer service representative or what I call a director of first impressions. Working 3 days a week, watching people workout and being able to see first hand how they accomplish their goals, has been a huge inspiration for me. I workout 6-7 days a week, with a small rest between cardio and lifting. My diet still needs a lot of work but I am burning off much more weight then I am taking in. I have been crushing personal goals for the last 4 weeks, and I am working out more intense then I ever have. I am down to 248-pounds which is 30-pounds less then my weight in November.

I just wanted to say thank you to those who have worked with me and been positive on my health and fitness goals. For those who have not noticed any change, here is a picture of your enjoyment. The bottom picture taken just weeks into November (disregard the disgusting mustache for cancer) and the top photo is one I took on the 30th of January 2012. 

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